36 thoughts on “LGBT”

  1. This topic is a thriving topic in today’s world. The Bruce Jenner story is one of the most covered stories in all of the media. Bruce, Now Caitlyn opened up the entire world to certain issues that face some people on a daily basis. I know my personal thoughts and opinions are conservative. I am open to people having the ability to choose if they want to be a man or women, gay or lesbian. However; I believe there should be a standard of ethic rules that apply. Such as if someone is just a cross dresser they shouldn’t be allowed to use the other gender’s restroom. Until you have the complete procedures that you’re wanting to do to make your gender change, you should respect the norm that we’ve lived with for centuries. I’m fine with lesbian and gay marriage also, all because I do not believe in it doesn’t mean that it’s wrong and it’s not my place to choose that for someone.

  2. This country categorizes everything. From ACT’s to job applications we have to pick a category and place ourselves in it. From a piece of paper, you can tell that I am a Black, 21-year old woman. It kind of sucks that we are limited to our labels. People aren’t free to be themselves and that’s sad. It’s a paradox that keeps individuals trapped and there really is no escape. With this being said, transgender people are forced to not only wear their “transgender label,” but they are forced to identify with the pronoun of the gender they’re born with. The LGBT community has had a struggling support system for forever. People aren’t free to be themselves. When they are younger, they are told they can’t act a certain way. In middle and high school they are bullied. In college, they are yearning for acceptance. When will they catch a break. After the win for marriage equality, I couldn’t help but to think, “wow, this is amazing.” Then Caitlyn Jenner opens her mouth and discusses how she is a traditionalist and that she doesn’t support marriage equality. Unfortunately, many have deemed her as the face of the ‘T’ in LGBT, but that’s not fair. People like Caitlyn can easily brew discrimination, in the LGBT community.
    Before I get too left field, I think that we need to teach more equity instead of inequality. People need to understand that equality isn’t always the best answer. Giving everyone the same thing doesn’t solve the problem, but giving people what they need does.

    Equality versus Equity | PugetSoundOff.org

  3. While doing my observation/student teaching this semester, I have learned a lot about LGBTQ students and the difficulties they face in high school environments. There are many steps that teachers MUST take in order for their students to feel comfortable and safe in their classroom.

    First, teachers must always demand and show respect for all students. Even if teachers do not “agree” with what is happening, it is essential that they enforce respect in their classrooms. They need to prohibit bullying, derogatory words, and anything that can be taken as disrespect.

    Teachers also need to make a conscious effort use correct pronouns in everyday class conversation/discussion. It is important that teachers use gender neutral pronouns when addressing the class. Teachers also need to make sure to address individual students using the proper pronoun; failure to do so WILL result in embarrassment and disrespect. If teachers are not absolutely positive about which pronoun to use, it is necessary that they ask the student or address them by their name.
    Here is a great website regarding pronouns. The LBBTQ club at Lafayette informed the teachers than pronoun usage is something that they need to be conscious of.


    Finally, if teachers desire to be an ally to lgbtq students, they can sign up to receive a free GLSEN safe kit. They are encouraged to put a sticker on their door to signal that their classroom is a “safe space”. To read more about this kit visit:

    1. Maddie-

      Thank you so much for including information on the GLSEN safe kit. My friend group from home consists of several LGBTQ friends. Looking back, I can imagine that it would mean the world to them to have a teacher having their backs and being there for them in a time of need, confusion, and so on. I look forward to having my own classroom and being welcoming to every student that walks through the door.

      In regards to pronoun usage, I completely understand the importance of using them correctly. I’m sure it will take some getting used to, but it is pivotal in making LGBTQ students feel safe in your classroom.

      Below is an article that gives plenty of ways to create a safer classroom environment for LGBTQ students and/or parents. Visually showing support, intervening when negative LGBTQ remarks are heard, challenging heterosexism, and work with administration are a few of the examples they include. Most importantly, getting involved and educating yourself can make a huge difference in the lives of some of your students. I am by no means an expert on all things LGBTQ and I will make sure to continue learning through other teachers, websites, and my students so I can be prepared to support my diverse students.

  4. An issue that has been rising in many schools is whether students who are transgender should be allowed to use the bathroom of the gender they relate to or the one of their biological sex. Some of these students believe that having a “neutral” bathroom is not adequate, and they should be allowed to use the bathroom of their choice. This is an important issue for many schools to address, because the voices of all students should be heard and respected.

    Below is one of the most recent stories that I have seen


    1. While this is an issue impacting public and private schools across the country, the “bathroom debate” has been brought to the University of Kentucky’s attention. Such recognition of gendered issues such as public restrooms that pose potential for ridicule or degradation based on gender has contributed to the new student center plans including gender-neutral bathroom spaces in additions to those dedicated to male and female. This initiative is small, but it offers some consideration to overwhelming sense of heteronormativity and rigid gender binaries present on college campuses.

      1. In the story that I posted the transgender did not like the “gender-neutral bathroom” option. She felt that using a gender neutral bathroom did not make her feel comfortable, hence, she wanted to use the female bathroom. This can present challenges to school authorities and even to students. It’s hard to decide what implications can be made in school systems that are able to accommodate all individuals. In this case, many students did not want to share a bathroom with a transgender, and the transgender did not like the idea of a gender neutral bathroom. So what do you do?

        1. I agree that transgender individuals should be able to use the restroom with the gender in which they identify, but I also feel that “gender-neutral bathrooms” will not work in a school setting. There are way too many risks and liabilities that could stem from having teenage boys and girls in the same restroom. Will we have an adult monitoring the restrooms? An alternative could be a single person restroom, much like a “family restroom” transgender (and all) students can use. There are potential problems with this solution as well. Maybe we should focus on implementing “gender neutral” restrooms in other aspects of life because I honestly do not see this as being any thing but trouble in the high school setting.

    2. I agree that all students voices should be heard but I feel a little different about this situation. First and foremost, I feel that this is an issue that is rising and needs to be addressed. However, personally I have been in a restroom and had a transgender come in to use the restroom as well. I felt uncomfortable because I was confused as to why they could use the girls restroom when biologically they are male. In this situation I feel that only transgenders who went through reconstructive surgery should be able to use their preferred sexual preference bathroom. I believe that everyone should be able to express themselves without judgement but in this case it’s just tricky. Simply because you never know what someone’s intentions are. Like some of the parents said in the video clip, how do we know the individual didn’t want to share a girls locker room just to spy on other girls?

  5. 2015 has been an incredible year for the LGBT community, the passing of SCOTUS, the premier of LGBT television shows, and the release and popularization of LGBT character based literature. The evolution of this marginalized group finds a controversial reaction from many subgroups in the general population.

    In regards to education, the LGBT community must be met with acceptance, validation and equity. It is a difficult task for those in Secondary Education when the terms gender, identity, and sexual orientation are more prominent issues. This is also difficult as these terms and their definitions are in constant evolution in the 21st century perspective.
    How will educators welcome the LGBT community? How will equitable classrooms use their funds of knowledge?
    Is this a identified culture to which teaching and instruction should respond?

  6. I am currently observing in a high school in Lexington, Ky. I was lucky enough to be placed with a teacher who is a very loud ally for the LGBT community. She is in charge of the school’s GSA club and she tries her best to accommodate any of the students’ idenities or personal pronoun choices. I was asked to attend one of these meetings and was blown away by the love and support this group of students and the teacher had for each other. When the meeting began, the students went around the cirlce and introduced themselves by saying their name, pronoun preference, and then a brief overview of how their weeks went. They then discussed the topics of gender fluidity/ gender queerness and the processes they go through to become whatever gender they identify with. They also talked about things such as film, lectures, and other LGBT events coming up. It astounds me that these students (several of them freshman) are so comfortable with themselves to not only join this group, but to openly discuss important topics to the LGBT community and taking steps better their community.

  7. LGBT Students in Kentucky—Jessica Thornsberry EDC 601

    I currently am observing freshman in a Kentucky high school. Many of the English teachers in the department have signs and posters in their room and on their doors indicating that they are LGBT Allies. Some of these posters even indicate that others should take an initiative to be an ally to LGBT students.

    I think that as a teacher I will be very open about being an Ally for LGBT students because I want them to know that there is a safe place (my classroom) where they can come to talk to me about anything. However, I do not think that I will post any media implying that other students should engage in the same mindset. The reason for this being that I want all students to feel as if they are respected and welcomed in my classroom, even students who believe in ways that I do not.

    I heard an anecdote about a teacher who used the Kim Davis story as material in her classroom. I believe the material the teacher used portrayed Kim Davis is a satirical light. This was in poor taste because the teacher alienated students who have severe religious oppositions to Gay marriage and the LGBT community as a whole. While this view does not align with my view, alienating these students is tantamount to a teacher alienating LGBT students because he or she has strong religious convictions on the matter.

    It is also important for teachers, regardless of religious beliefs, to respect students’ decision on matters of identity. One of the students in the high school I am observing is a transgendered male. He wants to be referred to with masculine pronouns. He also recently legally changed his name, something that I still struggle with remembering—solely because of force of habit. When I do make a mistake and call him by his old nickname (a name that was used in lieu of his female birth name) I just apologize and correct myself.

    I believe that teachers will find a lot of flexibility and forgiveness in situations such as the one I described above—permitting that they always maintain an attitude of respect for students’ identities. I think that they best thing that we can do as teachers is to openly support all of students regardless of sexual orientation or religion. This is an exciting and unprecedented time in our country. LGBT students have made such strides in the way of civil rights, and with these newfound freedoms comes strong opposition from the community, especially in Kentucky. It is our jobs as educators to be a pillar of support and alliance during this time, not just for LGBT students, but for all students.

  8. I am an observer/student teacher at a high school in KY. A fellow teacher was telling me that on their first day of school, a student stood up in front of the class and said the roster will say Alexis but that he wanted to go by Alex. He also asked that the teacher use masculine pronouns when addressing him. I was so happy to hear that this student had the courage to stand up in front of all of his peers to address this but I know that not all students will have this same openness. All teachers need to be understanding of their LGBT students and there to talk with them when they need it. I know at my own high school and at the University of Kentucky there are clubs and services available to LGBT students. I think this is critical for all students to feel equal and safe in their schools.

    1. All educators should respect the wishes and needs of students. Weather one agrees with them or not. What message does the legal battle on issuing marriage licenses to LGBT couples send to students? There is now discussion on changing Kentucky law so that elected clerks don’t have to abide by current law.

      1. I am currently observing in a Lexington, KY high school. My students have been very interested in the controversy going on surrounding this issue. Most of my students believe that if a person such as Kim Davis does not want to issue marriage licenses to LGBT couples because of religious reasons that she shouldn’t have to. I feel this is because this issue is not being treated as an issue of discrimination. Most people are viewing this as a religious issue. While religion does play a huge factor in the debates surrounding this issue, this is a CIVIL RIGHTS issue. I believe if we approached this as a civil rights issue, people would view this issue in a different light.

        One thing I really appreciate about the school I am at is that they have a gay-straight alliance that teachers and students can openly be members of. Some of teachers I am observing have posters on their doors stating they are an ally and that their classroom is a “safe-place” for ALL students. While this doesn’t seem like much, it is a huge step in the right direction for LGBT equality and acceptance.

      2. The legal battle sends many messages to many students. Regardless of sexual orientation or religious affiliation it sends a message that the world is changing and students must be prepared to actively participate in a manner that demonstrates respect for everyone.

        I think that as educators it is our responsibility to find the line that shows students that we are allies to the LGBT community, but that we also are accepting of students who do not share our belief. Also, I want to be clear that when you become a teacher, regardless of your religious affiliation, it is your job to be an ally to the LGBT students in your classroom.

        The fact that there is talk of changing KY law to suit the needs of county clerks who feel like it is not within their power to issue marriage licenses to LGBT couples sends a strong message to students. It says that not even the federal government can secure their civil rights. This is an unsettling thought, and as educators it is our job to be their for emotional support for our students.

      3. Sarah Caton – EDC 550

        I believe it is the goal of educators to cater to students’ academic needs and learning styles, but there is some line that must be drawn regarding a teacher’s responsibility to provide personal commentary on controversial topics to his or her students. I think educators are expected to have some form of morality present in their teaching, yet teachers are not the parents of their students and must be careful how much guidance or personal opinions are shared. Students of all ages are learning about Kentucky’s legal battles regarding the legality of LGBTQA* marriage rights per Kim Davis’ appearance on every media avenue including popular television channels, radio stations, and Buzzfeed articles (http://www.buzzfeed.com/davidmack/meet-kim-davis#.pnE8DG4pv). As it is directly related to our group’s semester focus, students must be taught to be media literate during formal schooling to understand political and social controversy outside of academic settings. Media about Kim Davis and the current legal battle does not always report accurate or fair commentary on what is occurring, and students need to be taught critical thinking skills to determine for themselves the validity of such sources. The media coverage on Kim Davis has undoubtedly addressed the question of LGBTQA and religious rights in schools, and I think teachers must teach their students how to be open-minded and non-marginalizing without having to disclose their personal opinions. Public school teachers likely have the most difficulty with this topic because there are conduct guideline sets forth about student/teacher relationships that limit teachers’ space to comment on current events with their personal opinions. Additionally, students who share Kim Davis’ religious convictions or, conversely, identify as LGBTQA may find it challenging to voice their opinions on the issue if they feel their identity is being marginalized. I think it is the role of the educator to create healthy spaces for discussion and provide framework and contexts for students in regard to current events and popular culture to appropriately integrate news and media into traditional schooling.

    2. I agree. Educators should receive LGBT training. In Louisville, an Atherton high school Student declared his/ her right to use the rest room designated for post transsexual gender transition. However, with the Supreme Court decision for same sex marriage, I am sure there will be additional controversy in the near future. I do not believe citizens fathom the idea of change, especially in rural areas in Kentucky. You would think school boards would prepare and organize educational awareness support for our public school systems, and change regulations accordingly.

      1. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kevin-thornton/why-amidst-the-kim-davis-_b_8117360.html


        Here is an article that addresses the impact of Kim Davis on the youth LGBTQ community and a video that speaks to the damage that Kim Davis and her choices continue to have on this community. It is touching to see that educators in today’s classrooms are aware of these students and are open minded and accepting of them all. We all know that high school can be brutal, so if students that don’t feel like they fit the “norm” have someone to talk to, hopefully, the more comfortable they will become in their own skin.

      2. My friend’s little sister went to Atherton during this time. It was amazing to hear about the different reactions that come from not only students and faculty but also parents. A lot of the parents threatened to pull their children out of the school and attempt to send to another neighborhood school. This led to an appeal and eventually the issue made it all the way to the State Senate. I remember her stating that all this discussion did was bring out more bullying to the select students at the school who were brave enough to be themselves.

        This past year I was placed at high schools in Lexington and Woodford County. There were transgender students at both schools. Both schools also had junior or senior trips in the planning. Since this is an unprecedented topic, what do you all think should be the rule regarding rooming assignments for these trips? I asked teachers what they did for LGBT students in the past and they said that they ignored it and did not allow them to room with known boyfriend/girlfriends.

        What do you all think the policy should be?

  9. http://www.nytimes.com/politics/first-draft/2015/04/29/singer-songwriter-cyndi-lauper-visits-capitol-hill-to-help-the-homeless/

    I found this article about two issues that teachers come into contact with, LGBTQ youth and homelessness. This article talks about a push in congress to have a safety net for LGBTQ teens who are homeless because of their sexuality. The article does not touch on the effect homelessness has on education, but we know that students who are homeless and dealing with the anxiety of being homosexual are not able to perform at their highest academic ability. Therefore, I feel like even though this issue seems like a bigger problem than teachers should have to deal with, I think teachers need to know about these things and need to have strategies in place for how to help students cope with these tough issues. To me, being a teacher is about more than cramming white-washed, textbook style information down students throats. I feel like a teachers job is to equip students with skills and wisdom so they can be a well-rounded, rational person. Kids need to be inspired and encouraged so that our society can progress and improve, and teachers cannot do that without caring about the students and the issues that plague their lives. Teachers have to care about more than teaching content. We have to care about teaching students how to look at the problems and tough situations the world throws at them, and solve them not run from them. Teachers are given a really hard job, and I do not expect one teacher to change the world, but if all teachers tried to stay up to date on current issues and if they cared to get to know their students, they could do a lot to help those students who are struggling inside and outside of the classroom.

  10. http://www.outsports.com/2015/4/27/8501413/gay-west-virginia-senior-prom-photos-michael-martin-logan-westrope

    This article is powerful and uplifting! It discusses how a gay high school couple from West Virginia (of all places) went to their high school prom as a couple and they were positively received. This article gives hope that LGBTQ teens are beginning to receive more acceptance to be themselves. As educators, we will be faced with the challenge of helping our students navigate the social issues of our society. Although some educators may not personally agree with the LGBTQ community and their lifestyles, it is important to remember that the job of a teacher is to teach understanding, acceptance and conflict management. A good teacher does not discriminate because they don’t agree with something, but instead encourages and critical thinking and social acceptance.

  11. After visiting the GLSO center in Lexington several times, I have been reminded that the LGBT students in a school need early aide and assistance. Most high schools in the state provide a safe place for students to meet and discuss issues in a safe environment, but the middle school systems are almost non-existant. Is this because students don’t know they’re LGBT in middle school? No. Is it because teachers are unaware? Maybe. But there is a need, these students realize they are different than everyone else and desperately want to fit into something and be able to get through school without feeling like the only one that is different. The students that spoke at GLSO stated that they saw many students “come out” upon reaching high school that had not previously done so in the middle school. This was not because of not knowing, but simply because they felt that they were in an environment in which it would not be accepted and was not safe to do so.

    1. I agree that there needs to be more GSA clubs in middle schools, and more support for the younger LGBTQ students. Unfortunately, I do not see middle school implementing GSA clubs until there is a higher level of acceptance of LGBTQ people as a whole. Right now, many LGBTQ couples are still being denied the right to marry. Until LGBTQ people are more socially accepted in broader society, younger children aren’t going to receive the support they need. This is because many people believe being gay is a choice and a sickness, therefore, if a ten year old comes out and says they are gay, it is likely that their entire social and support networks are going to shame them into being straight or “normal”. Whereas, older kids in high school have more autonomy and more of a chance to withstand the shame and pressure to conform to the norm of heterosexuality.

    2. Middle School is such a crucial time in the growth of young students. They are starting to go through puberty and are trying to figure out their self-identity. It can be a very difficult time for some students to go through, especially if part of their self-identity might be perceived as strange or out of place. The stigma that being a part of the LGBT community is sadly still there today and it has its greatest affect on these young students that are discovering themselves and growing up. At the GLSO Center’s GSA meetings, one young man that identified as a gay male was going through some difficult bullying issues at a rural middle school and he showed so much strength and perseverance. Another boy called him a “fag” and was making fun of him for being gay. When he originally went to the teacher, she dismissed it and told him to ignore the teasing. He could have just let it go, but he decided to go talk to another teacher, and that teacher took action and had the name-calling student punished. It is so sad that this boy had to go to multiple teachers when he was faced with an issue of bullying due to his sexuality. They are struggling to be able to have GSA clubs in middle school, but students should at least have teachers on their side when they are being bullied, no matter what the situation. If the teacher does not wish to deal with it, she can refer the issue to the school social worker, counselor or principal. No teacher should EVER dismiss a student that is being bullied or harassed.

  12. LGBTQ students face problems every day that you and I could never imagine. Things like the bathroom bill and blocking of laws that regulate marriage equality only further our country from the equality and freedom that we claim to be founded on. States like Indiana, which I am sure we are all aware of the law that they are passing allowing discrimination from businesses against LGBTQ population is disgusting. This type of discrimination is erasing any kind of progress some great politicians, like Harvey Milk, made within our social structure. I hope that one day we be able to move past senseless discrimination and realize that all that LGBTQ couples want is to given the equal rights, including but not limited to end-of-life rights of their partners.

  13. I work at a high-income public elementary school here in Lexington, KY with 4th and 5th graders in an after school program. Earlier last week one girl came up to me very disheartened and sad because another girl in her class was spreading a rumor that she and her best friend were lesbians. The girl was quite hurt that such a rumor was being spread about her because all of the children are laughing. While the girl said it wasn’t true and she liked boys, this goes to show that 4th and 5th graders are much more aware of homosexuality now than they were back in my days in elementary school, but they see it as a laughing matter in jest. What ways can we improve children’s education so they understand the reality of the LGBTQ community and still please parents?

    This is an interesting read on 5 reasons that schools should adopt LGBTQ inclusive sex-ed.

  14. Senate Bill 76, locally known as The Bathroom Bill, has failed to pass in the state House of Representatives after passing in the Kentucky state Senate. The bill defines gender as biological sex and would have required students to only be able to use the bathroom assigned to their biological sex. Transgender students would not be able to use the bathroom of the sex that they identify with. The bill also stated that if non-transgender students were to report “psychological, emotional, and/or physical harm” while a transgender student was also present in the bathroom, the school could face legal action. This would have opened the door for a whole new level of possible bullying and harassment. Hundreds of high school students stood against the bill in Frankfurt while the House of Representatives were in session. It is a wonderful thing to see so many high school students brave enough to take a stand for what they believe in.

  15. LGBT students face many challenges that require additional campus services and resources for them to be successful in college, according to research and experts in the field. For example, compared to heterosexual students, LGBT students face higher rates of mental health problems, sexual health risks, substance abuse, and family issues leading to negative health outcomes. As such, school administrators and classroom teachers must not only be aware of and understand the challenges faced by LGBT students, but also take action toward lessening the impact of those barriers to education for students. This article discusses specific policy recommendations provided by the California Post-secondary Commission. More specifically, policy recommendations cover topics such as: LGBT student data, campus climate, campus policies, professional development, and student support services.

  16. I believe that Gay-Straight Alliances are great tools of support for not only students, but also the teachers and administrators at schools. GSA clubs have been shown through research, such as the scholarly article entitled “Gay Straight Alliance Are Associated with Student Health: A Multischool Comparison of LGBTQ and Heterosexual Youth” to improve overall student health and provide support for all students in the school. Educators need to understand that they have a duty to protect and help their students, even if they do not agree with the students sexual orientation. They still need to understand that as a teacher, they took on the role of being a mentor and a friend. I think teachers need to understand that when it comes to their students they have to set aside their own morals and ideals about controversial issues and first help the student.

  17. I love that the importance of media literacy is stressed. Often times, we fail to recognize how much our thoughts and actions are influenced by media and society. In learning to recognize what message is being sent, who is sending the message, and what population is be targeted, we can become more educated and aware of the information we absorb. This correlates strongly to stereotypes because that’s really all we see on television. And while some stereotypes may be positive or true (for some people), stereotypes fail to acknowledge that person as a whole being and instead, dehumanizes. Human beings are complicated creatures with multiple identities. We should not be defined by one thought, action, or behavior, and we should all be treated with equal respect.

  18. Thanks, Elite Ben-Yosef, for this inspiring video spot. Actually media could provide many inputs to reflect around diversity of any kind. Sometimes media convey stereotypes about gender, race, immigrants and so on. But they can also be used as a means to raise awareness on stereotypes. In particular, this video stimulates the audience to refletc on common sentences that we take for granted in daily live but which contains stereotyped views around girls. in decostructing stereotypes there a risk of doing it in a stereotyped way, but this is not the case since at the end of the video it is stated that being like a girl means being yourself, which is absolutely right!
    Let me share with you my work. Over the last two years have been working on media literacy and discrimination within a European project. With my colleagues we developed many educational materials to deconstruct stereotypes and engage young people on diversity in the media. If you like please have a look at them (they are delivered under Creative commons license):
    Comments are appreciated!
    Cheers from Florence (IT)

    1. These modules look very thorough and like they would be an excellent resource. Thanks for sharing! As a historian, I don’t know a great deal about how these topics are taught today very well, but I do know that the Southern Poverty Law Center does a great deal of good work in U.S. schools on some of these same issues. Their website claims that their “Teaching Tolerance” program “resources deepen students’ understanding of human diversity, raise their awareness about social problems and increase behaviors that counteract those problems.”

    2. I think your modules are a good set up for teenage students that can help by starting on the big broad picture and then zooming in on the small details. Often teenagers do not realize how they are stereotyping someone else or discriminating against a peer because they have not been taught these philosophies in their home. I think it’s a very clearset idea to get students thinking first about discrimination/equality overall, and then hopefully they will be able to generalize the information over to their discrimination of LGBT community. It’s an eye opening and easy set up to walk through for teenage students that will hopefully leave a lasting impact on their lives!

  19. The important thing to keep in mind when thinking about a person as LGBT, is that they are first and formerly human. They still have rights to vote, they can get a driver’s license, they can join the military, etc., but they are being restricted from the right to marry. LGBT couples can adopt children together, buy houses together, run businesses and live together, but they cannot enter into a legally binding government contract. Aren’t all of the things that they do together as a couple what makes a marriage? Why then are they not permitted to marry? Many people say its not right and they don’t want it in their state, its a state’s issue to decide. However, there are LGBT persons in every state that cannot make the change on their own, being a minority. There are a great number of things I see happen in marketing, politics and economics that I do not agree with and wish weren’t in my state more than two people in love who want to marry each other since they have been living as “married”. The laws do not restrict LGBT daily activity, only marriage. So why restrict it all?

  20. Yesterday at the super bowl (of all places) this commercial was aired, in partial response (I think) to the severe abuse of women and children associated with some of the players in the past year

    Always #like a girl pertains to every one of us and our children/students/friends
    I think most of us could share it with others to raise discussions and send an important message, followed by focusing on other marginalized groups….

    אמנם הסרטון באנגלית אבל המסר ברור וכולל גם את העובדה שזה הופיע באמצע משחק הפוטבול הכי גדול וחשוב בארה”ב אתמול בערב
    ליגת הפוטבול מתמודדת בשנה האחרונה עם התעללויות קשות של חלק מהשחקנים בנשים וילדים. הפרסומת הזאת בחלקה, מתייחסת גם לזה.

    מקווה שתוכלו לשתף בשיח ובמסר כמה שיותר אנשים סביבכם – זה כל כך חיוני
    אח”כ אפשר להמשיך את השיח\מסר לגבי קבוצות מודרות אחרות

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